Irrigation Valves

Irrigation Valves
Irrigation valves are the heart of any irrigation system. They control the water flow though your irrigation system as comanded by the irrigation timer. Typically housed in a box in the ground they are plumbed together on the supply line into what’s known as a manifold. These valves have several moving parts that are subject to failure over extended periods of time so it’s wise to have them regularly checked out. There are also several things that are key to the valve maifold design that often get overlooked when designed by maintenance landscapers, DIY’ers and even some other irrigation professionals. Allegiance Water’s irrigation experts take great care in making sure that any valve installation completed meets or exceeds the standards for valve work. If you need any irrigation valve maintenance, replacement or rebuilding done in Pheonix or the rest of the Valley, Allegiance Water has you covered.
Valve Replacement
If your system has a valve box with mismatched valves, valves with bad solenoids, weeping/leaking valves, or a cracked manifold, it’s time for a new valve replacement. Allegiances valve specialists will remove all your existing valves and replace them with a completely new set of valves on a new manifold and reconnect them to your existing zones. A literal “heart transplant” for your irrigation system if you will.
Valve Rebuild
Sometimes you may have a single valve in a box that is being problematic but the rest of them are working just fine. In this case a valve rebuild can be a good option. Alternatively if you happen to have your valve box located in a very tight spot such as being concreted in, a rebuild might be the best option. In the event that one of our irrigation professionals decides a rebuild is in order, you can rest assured knowing that every moving part of the valve is replaced. This ensures your system can continue to operate to the best of its ability while keeping costs a little lower than a full valve replacement.
Valve Install
When you purchase a new complete irrigation system install or an existing system replacement from Allegiance, we like to include a valve install. This guarantees your new system will operate at peak performance for years to come. Each install comes with a new custom built valve manifold, the appropriate amount of valves per zones, and properly wiring the valves in with grease filled wire nuts for a secure waterproof connection to the timer.
Call our irrigation valve specialists today and we can solve your system problems. Don’t delay, call us today and we’ll show you why so many Valley families trust Allegiance with their irrigation valve needs. Call (480) 530-7070 today!

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